“Inamuragasaki” is a cape in Kamakura City, located between Yuigahama and Shichirigahama. From here, you can view beautiful scenery spreading out to the west, including the magnificent waters of Sagami Bay, Shichirigahama's vast, sandy beaches, Enoshima island and, in good weather, the ridgeline of Mt. Fuji.
Whatever the weather, whenever the time, whoever you are with, any time of day and all year round, the dramatic scenery here is sure to inspire the beholder.
“Inamuragasaki Lights”(イナムラガサキ ライツ)は、稲村ヶ崎の風景から一瞬を切り取り、「光」と「音」のアーカイブとして不定期に更新をしています。
もしもPhilips hueをお使いであれば、ぜひInamuragasaki Lightsが提供するIFTTTのレシピをお使いになってみてください。サイトが更新されしだい、稲村ヶ崎から最新の「光」のレシピが配信されあなたの部屋を彩ることでしょう。またサイトのアーカイブから過去の瞬間に遡り、その時間の「光」を蘇らせることも可能です。
“Inamuragasaki Lights” (Inamuragasaki Lights) takes single moments of the scenery of Inamuragasaki and creates an archive of its “lights” and “sounds”. It is updated irregularly.
If you were a Philips hue user, let’s check our IFTTT recipe. Every time the site is updated, you'll be sent the latest "light" from Inamuragasaki to color and brighten your room. Or, you can go back to a moment in the past using the site archive, and bring back the “light” from that time.
We would be delighted for you to experience even a small sample of the tranquil lights and ever changing sounds of Inamuragasaki.
Curation, Planning, Design and Develop by TAKEHIKO ONO (aguije inc.)
HTML 5 / CSS / JavaScript / SVG / Web Font / PHP / MySQL / Philips hue API / Instagram API / Flickr API / SoundCloud API